03 October 2005

More tapioca boba than pearls, me...

Tagged by the curious hamster for a meme on where bloggers write their "pearls of wisdom". Ha! I'm much more likely to cook sago pearls than write wisdom. And since I'm avoiding writing work-stuff again, and waiting for the cable guy (who is now three-quarters of an hour late), here is a photo of my new beloved:

Work station 1

As you can see, she sits on my dining table when I'm at home, although sometimes she joins me on the sofa when I'm watching a DVD on the telly. And next to her, the ever-present cuppa. Rationale? I always try to sit facing a window, even if it doesn't have much of a view (the patio is in serious need of some greenery). Anything else is too claustrophobic.

As for tagging people, well... How about Gunnella, manthatcooks and the meme graveyard (Santos)?

Update: Cable guy didn't turn up. Hacked off.


Anthony said...

Not the blog but...Flickr!

akatsukira said...

Comfy looking seat, SpiceOne... Can't blame you for not wanting to get up.

Gunnella said...

Did the meme, once I figured it out ;-)

akatsukira said...

Apologies; was in a rather flippant mood yesterday. Cheers for joining in. It's always good to see we're not alone in our odd computer habits.