04 March 2005

Easy-peasy Clementine Cake

  • Prepatory stage for super-easy-to-make clementine cake: cover 4 small clementines with water, boil for 2h, cool, pulp, reserve.
  • Beat 6 eggs, and add: 225g caster sugar, 250g ground almonds, 1tsp baking powder.
  • Stir in clementine pulp.
  • Bake in a lined springform tin for 1h at 190degC (cover with parchment/foil at 40min or the top burns).
  • Grate 100g of Maya Gold chocolate (G&B, or other orangey-dark chocolate slab) on cake straight out of oven. Wait till it cools to remove it from the tin.

Recipe originates from Nigella Lawson, courtesy of G&B's chocolate recipe book.

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